Yea or Nay: Eyeglass Chains


Darlings, someone in the fashion world has once again decided to take a fresh look at a moldy oldie. This time, it's those eyeglass chains that we tend to associate with the nuns and elderly librarians of our school years. Check it:

From Louis Vuitton 2011 resort collection:

Here's our take: We love the IDEA of returning to this once-staple; we're just not sure these are the chains to make it a fad again. We'd rather see something that looked a little more like jewelry and a little less like something you use to keep your bike from being stolen. Still, we support the return of eyeglass chains in theory. There's a kitsch value, it's a "new" accessory to play with, and it even has a practical element, which, let's face it, is a rarity in the world of fashion.

We say YEA, in theory. If Joan Holloway can make a pen on a chain look hot, there's no reason these can't be rethought to be chic and fun.

[Photo Credit:]

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