Work of Art: S1E3 Part 2

Hit it, art bitches!

Considering how slapdash and last-minute it was, there's a lot of depth to this piece. No, it's not good, exactly, but it feels like the germ of a much better idea that he might have realized under different circumstances. We like that he was going for something modern and that he evoked both a biological theme as well as an isolation theme.

We have to admit, we loved this and the more we look at it, the more we're surprised it didn't get more love from the judges. Maybe they were just afraid of over-lavishing him with praise, since he won the first two challenges, but this really was a memorable piece. And stunt or no, we give him a lot of credit for stopping to read the entire book first. It was a brave thing to do and we think it resulted in a really strong piece.

It's cute, it really is, but how is this supposed to work as a book cover? And we have another winner in the misspelled author's name sweepstakes.

It looks like a Tolkien dustjacket from the '50s. And that's not a compliment. It's crude and it's amateurish looking to us, plus it's so generic it could be the cover for any of dozens of other books.

For all the setup, it wasn't a very eye-catching piece. We realize Nao's all about featuring herself in her work, but she just doesn't come across as a credible Jekyll or Hyde. Just not feeling it.

We have to say we're not really feeling this one either, although he deserves credit because it's the strongest thing he's done. It's a decent enough concept and it's eye-catching if a little muddy for a book cover. We really like the lettering. Alice's face could have used some refining. She looks a little long in the tooth.

This was a really strong piece and looked polished enough to pass for an existing cover. The only quibble we have is...why three faces? The book is all about duality, is it not? It seems a little thematically off even if it is visually beautiful and eye-catching.

[ - Photo Credit:]

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