Work of Art: S1E2 Part 2

Art to critique shred, kittens!

We like the concept, but we think the title of the piece is far more interesting than the piece itself, which says to us that the concept was stronger than her ability to realize it under those circumstances.

It's not bad. We don't love it and we think it's a pretty cliche way to interpret found objects - "I'll pile them up and pour paint on them!" - but there is something evocative about the shape of it, as if something's trying to rise up out of the muck. Not a great piece, but there's just enough there to keep him around.

On the flip side, this comes across as something without a concept that nonetheless wound up being visually interesting. We like the neon-painted electronics. A little bit more of that with some more artful arranging could have made this a much more memorable piece.

And then there's this, a piece that started off with a concept which couldn't be realized (she wanted the tank filled with water but couldn't get it water tight) and the end result was this, which, while it does have some interest to it, the whole thing feels slapdash and not very thought out.

We're sorry, but this is mostly just a pile of crap.

It's interesting, but all of that Day of the Dead foofaraw seems so DONE to us. We have '90s memories of art galleries filled to the brim with skull-painted pieces. Still, it was a good effort and a fully realized vision.

We really wouldn't have gotten this without the title. Once you find out the title, you see what she's doing. This is a depiction of childbirth and as such, it's highly provocative, especially since the "fetus" is mostly junk and winds up getting shredded on the way out. For all her reality show bluster, Nao does strike us as a true artist and someone to keep an eye on in the competition.

[ - Photo Credit:]

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