Eye Candy: Fashion Collages

Weirdly beautiful.

Darlings, here's some ...well, we don't know if "pretty" quite applies. They're collages and they're...oh, to hell with it. They're a little hard to explain so we'll let the pictures do the talking. We think they're pretty cool. There's something a little haunting and subversive about them that appeals to us. They're the work of illustrator Peggy Wolf and we thought you'd get a kick out of them.

"Peggy Wolf is a German Illustrator with a refreshing love of colours, shapes and compositions. She became interested in Illustration during her studies in Fashion Design. Back then she did commissioned work for Maxi and Kid's Wear Magazine.

Peggy moved to London in 2006 and has since worked on Post Card Designs for
Boss Print, Illustrations for Spiderlilly and the magazine Ameera. "

You can find more of her work on Etsy. Enjoy!

[Illustrations: etsy.com]

Source: "Peggy Wolf's Collages" [TrendLand]

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