V S1E11: Fruition

"My daughter needs her mother's comfort."

You will be pleased (or perhaps puzzled) to know that after offering two, at best, lukewarm reviews of the other two shows on last night's roster, we're here to tell you that we kind of loved this one. Oh sure, it's still a lot of setupsetupsetup with not enough of a payoff, but there are so many setups going on right now that we're feeling a little more excitement toward the show as a whole.

Just as in the aftermath of last week's episode, there's some new status quo at the end of this one, but we'll get to that in a minute. First, Erica, meet Anna.

"As a mother, I'm sure you can imagine how I feel right now."

"As a mother, I know that if someone tried to hurt my son, there's nothing I wouldn't do to stop them."

This is where the show needs to go. It needs to bring this too-large-to-tackle story of an alien invasion and bring it down to relatable terms. Make it the story of two mothers, fighting for their children, at odds with each other. That's some kickass drama right there and putting the entire show directly into the hands of Morena Baccarin and Elizabeth Mitchell is absolutely what needs to happen going forward. They were peeing in circles around each other, marking their territories and sizing each other up. Anna seems intrigued by Erica and Erica didn't exactly go the distance in trying to hide her true feelings. She's disgusted and horrified that Anna would batter her own daugher's body and leave her in an alleyway as a political ploy. It's about time Erica smartened up and realized what she's up against.

Although getting too smart about it could mean giving up a part of her own humanity. Knowing how far Anna would use her own daughter to further goals, Erica isn't doing much better. She's all too willing to use Tyler's access to Anna via Lisa as a way of keeping an eye on her and gathering information. The two she-lions are sending their cubs out on errands while they circle each other. A nice development with the possibility of some delicious Alexis and Krystle-style scenes. Someone's going in a lily pond at some point.

Anna's fake, fluttery grief show in front of Erica was priceless. "I knew this would happen!" She's continuing to play everyone around her like a fiddle. Chad Decker, you are as dumb as a stump. Fr. Jack, you're dumber than a stump because now Anna wants Chad to hand you over and we doubt he's got the courage to hold her off for long. Especially since she's getting a little more openly testy and threatening with him every time she sees him. "I had other things on my mind today besides Chad Decker."

As for Ryan, without Val's love he can't resist Anna's bliss. We can't believe we just typed that sentence. Still, as cheesy as it is, it sets up some tension going forward. Is Ryan going to be able to remain loyal to the cause?

Hobbs is being exactly what everyone assumed he'd be: a totally selfish mercenary. And when we say "everyone," we mean everyone but Erica, Ryan, and Jack. Score another one for Team 5th Column!

In addition, Erica's now much more high-profile, having brought in the man accused of assaulting Lisa (and fucking that one right up, we might add) and having met Anna and essentially given her blessing to having her son date her daughter. With the joint task force newly ordered by the President (Gullible, stupid, or a V? You decide!) she's in an even tighter spot at work. And that V partner of hers seems to be getting suspicious.

Back on C.G. ship, Lisa is stuck between a rock and a hard place, totally beaten into submission toward her mother, but totally opposed to her mother's plans for Tyler. Suddenly, she seems to have an ally in Joshua. We're really digging Lisa as a character.

Bullet points:

* Erica didn't know Lisa was a V? Really? We missed that?

* Anna had her doctors heal Lisa's legs but leave the face scarred for the cameras. That's some hardcore bitchery. We couldn't help but enjoy the camp aspect of Anna parading Lisa around in a little identical Anna dress for the cameras like Joan Crawford with Christina.

* Erica, meet Joshua. We're thrilled that these connections are being made. It was a nice scene and we're liking Joshua more with each appearance. It helps that he's adorable.

* Erica won't question Tyler about Lisa or bring him into the resistance, like Kyle and Ryan implore her to do. It's precarious, but we can't help thinking it's a mistake that's gonna bite her in the ass eventually.

* Hello, cheesy computer-generated Shanghai!

* The eggs are about to hatch just as Val's water is about to break. Double V baby shower next week, bitches!

[Photo Credit: ABC TV]

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