A Project Runway CALL TO ARMS, Darlings!

Minions! Step forward!

Darlings, here's your chance as a fan of Project Runway to exercise a little control and have your voice be heard. The folks at Lifetime asked us to ask you:

If you could win anything in a Project Runway sweepstakes, what would you want to win or who would you want to meet?

We were given no guidelines, although common sense would dictate that answers like "A MILLION DOLLARS" are not likely to be considered. What in the world of Project Runway would you ask for?

We say this merely as a guess to start things off, not to influence the voting, but we have to say our first thought when we were asked this question was, "Oh, lunch/dinner/drinks with Tim, no doubt. That'll be the Number One request." But that's just us trying to be pundits. Ultimately, it's up to y'all. Throw out your suggestions, minions. The Powers That Be want to hear them!

[Photo Credit: Mike Yarish/MyLifetime.com]

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