You see, Lo wisely opted to sit this one out and sent loudmouthed Tom on his merry way to sit in on this week's Orientation: Ryan Station podcast, hosted by Ryan McGee of Zap2it.com and Mo Ryan of the Chicago Tribune, making Tom feel left out for not having a Ryan in his name, but happy to round out the threesome of talkative leprechauns. It was fun, actually. Tom was a little worried he'd have trouble watching the episode and talking about it at the same time, since his first impulse to any talking during Lost is a loud and annoyed "Shhh! Talk during commercials!" But the Ryans are so into Lost and so knowledgeable about every minute detail of the mythology, that the conversation flowed pretty easily and a lot of points and theories were tossed about. Plus it helped that Tom lucked out by being scheduled for the podcast directly following the most eventful and talked about episode of the season. It's not like we didn't have anything to talk about.
In fact, we may just have to alter our own favorite theories to take into account some things said during this podcast that we never even considered before, like where Widmore's allegiances lie. Interesting stuff for the hardcore Lost (or T Lo) nerd.
Link: 'Lost': 'Orientation: Ryan Station' talks 'The Candidate' with special guest Tom Fitzgerald
[Photo Credit: abc.go.com/shows/lost - blog.zap2it.com]
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