ANOTHER Laura Book Contest! (Updated)

She's doing it again, kittens!

Our last contest featuring Laura Bennett's book, Didn't I Feed You Yesterday? went so well that Bad Mommy wants to do it all over again in time for Mother's Day! Besides, the gal knows her audience and knows that the fabulous mommies of the world all come here to T Lo. Just like last time, she's giving away five autographed copies of her book with five t-shirts featuring this fabulous Robert Best illustration:

We're keeping this one relatively simple. Just post in the comments section about anything Mother's Day-related: memories, plans, why you hate it - whatever. You don't even have to be all that creative because the winners are going to be picked randomly. All you have to do is post and leave your email address in your comment so we can contact you and get your mailing address.

This contest is only open for 24 HOURS (closing at 12:30 PM EST tomorrow), so you better get cracking.

UPDATE: The winners are: 1)Celaneo 2)JoMama 3) Smilekyle 4)Elle 5) Anon 5/3 2:33 p.m.

[Photo Credit: Courtesy of Laura Bennett/Illustration by Robert Best]

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