V S1E6: Pound of Flesh

"You ready to put your son in the war?"

The show is going in so many directions at once that we're finding it a little hard to write this post because our heads are still spinning. So we're pulling a lame old framing device from the bottom of our trick back in order to hit all the points we want to hit: We now know/We don't know. Walk with us.

We now know: that apparently Fifth Columnists are willing to commit suicide rather than submit to Anna's "bliss." What's THAT all about?

We don't know: What Anna's bliss actually is. Mind control? You know, for all the joking about lizards, it seems to us that the V culture has more in common with insects: a hive mind and an egg-laying queen.

We now know: Why Val is getting sick. Ryan's V. doctor friend says that the accelerated growth is draining the phosphorus out of her body and they can only get the required concentrated amount from the V ship. Uh, okay. Why not just say you have to recharge her dilithium crystals while you're at it?

We don't know: What the hell does Val's ultrasound show? Whatever it is, it looks like it has a tail. Ew.

We now know: That cute gay V Joshua has another little Fifth Column friend on board, the also biblical-sounding Samuel. We're happy to see he's found new friends.

We don't know: What the hell they were talking about when they told Ryan about some outdated V doohickey that John May used to use to communicate and that he has to go find it. And speaking of Ryan...

We now know: That we would prefer to see Ryan in t-shirts every week. Me. Ow.

We don't know: What took them so long.

We now kn
ow: That Tyler is apparently more than meets the eye. Erica's ex-husband said she had to "tell him who he really is."

We don't know: WHAT THE HELL THAT MEANS? Is Tyler not their biological son? Because that sure opens up some possibilities. What if he's a V or V hybrid? That would explain why Anna has such an interest in him.

We now know: That guys named "Jack" on network sci-fi shows routinely take stupid risks. Although in this case, Father Jack approaching Chad seems to have been a good idea. Both Father Jack and Chad have some serious misgivings about the V health centers, so their bond makes sense. We'll see whether or not Chad can be trusted to be brought further into the resistance.

We don't know: How the resistance (such as it is) manages to spend all day hanging out at the church without anyone ever knowing. That must be the worst-attended church in Los Angeles.

We now know: That we were wrong about Georgie. We flinch at a grown man named Georgie and we just want to give him a haircut more modern than the 1985 one he's inexplicably sporting, but he seemed awfully sad and fatalistic this episode, fretting over Erica's family problems and Val's pregnancy. It seems the loss of his family is catching up with him and he'd rather die than let the other members of the resistance suffer the way he did.

We don't know: What the V's are capable of when it comes to extracting information. Georgie seems a little too unhinged already to resist whatever they've got planned for him. If he spills to Anna that Tyler's mother is leading the resistance or that there's a V hybrid pregnancy, that's gonna be a BIG problem.

We now know: That strangely, Kyle Hobbs looks hotter in a suit than he does in a t-shirt. Clearly he and Erica have a little thing going on. You can always tell when a girl punches a guy in the face: she's hot for him.

We don't know: How trustworthy he is. He's a mercenary after all, and he got the dirt on the rest of the resistance. What he's planning to do with it is anyone's guess, but we're awfully intrigued by the line about Erica's dossier: "She's got a lot of baggage on her."

This concludes our little game. Bonus discussion points: The "Live Aboard" program, What the deal is with Erica and her ex, Anna's plans to "crush" the Fifth Column, Who the fuck John May is and how long they're going to make us wait on that, the somewhat unfortunately cheap-looking green screen effects in a couple shots.

BONUS FUN: Tell us in the comments what your favorite moment of the episode was. We'll randomly select a winner and send them a "I [heart] V" t-shirt (with "John May Lives" on the back), which we got from the fine folks at Warner Brothers when they sent us a V Peace Ambassadors Kit.

[Photo Credit: ABC TV]

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