T LOunge

Put your hands in the air like you just don't care, poodles!

Vendome Mayfair in London, England

Darlings, let's all meet in London tonight for some dancing! When we're good and drunk, we can go find Gwyneth Paltrow's house and leave a flaming bag of dogshit on her front step. Won't that be fun?

What also looks to be fun is tonight's episode:

Let's all go to the circus and eat peanuts and make dresses! Although we're saying right now, we will only be satisfied if they make Tim do a high-wire act. Better yet, make Mila and Emilio do it. Without a net. Television at its finest.

Episode 12 Preview:

We realize the Duchess is given to hyperbole (like any self-respecting homosexual male), but that is some high praise coming out of his mouth. Who's the recipient?

[Photo Credit: myLifetime.com/vendomemayfair.com - [Video Credit: myLifetime.com]

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