PR: Seth Aaron

Seth A has a sad.

Okay, maybe not a sad, but it was refreshing to see him struggle a bit for once. Not that we don't like the guy - quite the opposite - but the interest started wearing off when it became obvious that it was hard to rattle him. No matter the challenge or the time constraints, it was always "No problem" from Seth's corner of the room.

Model: Cerri McQuillan

Not this time.

Let's get this out of the way first: we do not think this is a horrible dress. We do, on the other hand, think it's the first serious misstep from him in the competition.

Although granted, a misstep from Seth A is like a personal best from some of the other designers. In fact, that's why we're calling this a misstep instead of, say, a disaster or some other over-the-top queenism that makes you love us. For once, Seth A didn't do everything perfectly to the judges' satisfaction.

Of course, having said all that, we're finding it a little hard to pick out things to critique. But for you darlings, we'll try. Really, the only element that we don't like is the tit suspenders, which are clumsy and unflattering.

And we think the straps are too far apart. That's it. That's the shocking misstep from Seth A this week.

Actually, that's not true. What it comes down to is that this simply doesn't look like a dress Heidi would wear and - mainly because of the fabric chosen - looks a little drab for the red carpet.

The fit is pretty amazing, especially considering he'd never worked with Cerri before and there was some indication in the competition that her body wasn't always easy to fit. We love the way he pinned and draped the skirt fabric in the back. That was the one detail that was red carpet-worthy.

So, stop the presses, bitches. Seth A made a less-than flawless outfit. Kinda sucks he did it this late in the competition, because the small number of designers ensured that everybody would be either top or bottom. There was no safe. We really hope he didn't blow his wad too early in the competition because now is not the time for mediocre looks.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

[Photo/Video Credit: - Screencaps:]

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