PR: Ripping the Collections: Anthony - Part 1

Stacked, packed, and ready to attack, poodles.

Not that we're planning on attacking anything. For the most part, we liked Anthony's collection. It wasn't exactly high-fashion (in the sense that practically every look was fairly basic) but it was high glam and that's exactly what Anthony wants to do. We tweeted during the show that his clothes looked like updated costumes for a 21st Century Dynasty remake and that's one instance where our initial impression was so dead on (in our minds) that there's practically nothing else to add.

But for you kittens, we'll try. Especially since we think he made a couple rookie mistakes. Let's start the show.

On the one hand, it's a strong look with which to open a show. On the other hand, it's kind of a weird look and it doesn't really give you a sense of what's coming next. Those sleeves are just too weird and inelegant. We appreciate the concept but it doesn't work. The paillettes on those pants are just too large for a pair of pants. Granted, in our minds there are no paillettes of a suitable size for pants because the very idea strikes us tacky and over the top. So, no. We did not love this look.

We don't love this one either, but we don't mind it. That smooshed fabric technique is a favorite of Anthony's and the color, while looking a little twee to our eyes, fits with the rest of the collection. In short, it's a fairly standard cocktail dress in the Anthony Williams style. Cute, but not earth-shattering. Should have put this one in the middle of the lineup.

Anthony, some free advice from two little dogs who like to bark at moving cars: stay away from pants. They're clearly not your forte. On the other hand, that top is pretty fabulous. Pair it with a pencil skirt or a skinny pair of jeans and it would make for a killer look. Unfortunately, those senior citizen pants are ruining it.

This was probably the best look in his collection because it looks the most high-end and sophisticated. We do love the combination of the grey and purple; he didn't go overboard on the paillettes, and he styled it perfectly.

Another sophisticated look from him. That skirt is interesting but it borders on raggedy. He stopped himself just before he got to that point. Love the bodice and the whole thing moved beautifully.

We think there's a problem with cohesiveness here. These are only the first five looks and they're kind of all over the place.


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