PR: Congratulations!

Unleash the hounds in the comments section!

Cute idea for a challenge, no? It's comforting to know that at this late date, PR can still come up with entertaining and creative ways to make the designers lose their shit on camera.


Geez. We haven't attended a circus in over 30 years. Maybe we should reconsider that.

Okay, now look: he's certainly not the most popular of this season's designers, and for our money, he only deserved a couple of his wins, but with this win he ties Daniel Vosovic for most challenge wins in a season (5) and we have to say...

Model: Lorena Angjeli

There's simply no question that he deserved it.

This dress demonstrates everything the judges look for in a winning design: unique elements, a strong point of view, and a demonstration of masterful technical skills. He simply didn't make one bad step throughout the entire design process.

But the real stunner is the technique he used to eliminate the white in the bodice. That was interesting and eye-catching and perfectly rendered. In a sea of black and white stripes, Emilio found a way to make his stand out beautifully.

The back is stunning.

The only element we don't like is the polka dot trim on the skirt.

We get that he was trying to go for whimsy, but honestly, with all the stripes and draping, it really didn't need any more elements.

And Emilio would rather die than admit it, but Tim was right when he said it needed more color and the addition of the red in the bodice was the final perfect touch.

Which brings us to our final point (and the one that's likely to dominate the comments section): Everybody Hates Emilio.

Look, just because he and Tim don't get along doesn't really mean a thing to us. We adore Tim but he's not infallible and is, in fact, prone to the same pettiness that anyone else is. Emilio is right to pay attention to his own instincts first over Tim's. After all, he's not a kid and he's been doing this a long time. But we can't deny that as the contest has gone on, he's gotten cockier and nastier with each challenge. We didn't have a strong opinion either way when it was just Emilio vs. Tim, but when pretty much every other designer in the competition has had similarly not-nice things to say about the guy, we have to admit, it goes beyond a mere personality conflict between two people. Clearly, he's not a likable guy and that's not just editing.

Why are we saying this? Because, like we said, it's bound to dominate the conversation in the comments, so we figured we'd get our take out there. It's not a crime to be unlikable on a reality show and we've been doing this so long that, frankly, you're going to need to try a lot harder than Emilio has to get us worked up. But we wanted to make the point that while Tim has been unusually bitchy when it comes to talking about Emilio, he's been getting a lot of backup from the other designers whenever they talk about him too. Villain? Not really. Obnoxious? Absolutely.

Still, this was a killer dress and at the end of the day, that's what matters most. No one else even came close this week.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

[Photo/Video Credit: - Screencaps:]

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