In or Out: Scarlett Johansson

Black Widow Eschews Black. Film at Eleven.

Scarlett Johansson attends the "Iron Man 2" World Premiere held at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood wearing a gown and shoes by Armani Privé and clutch by Kotur.

Armani Privé Spring 2010 Couture
Model: Kelli Lumi

Before we get started, Tom would like to shout out to his fellow nerds and ask "Isn't it weird that Black Widow is married to Green Lantern? What color will their babies be?"

Having said that, let's move on to the assessment. Miss Johansson, you are right on schedule, sartorially speaking. You see, with starlets the progression goes like this: tight and skin-baring when you first burst onto the scene, clumsy and fussy when it appears you're not a flash in the pan and you need to start looking more stylish, and then (if you're smart and lucky) cool and classic and streamlined right around the time you become a household name. Well done, you.

She looks lovely. We are SICK TO DEATH of this kind of drapey, ruffly, origami-esque dress and will dance a little jig on its grave when designers stop doing them, but for what it is, it's clean and looks great on her. It's an attention-getting dress that doesn't look like its vying for attention. Sure, the shoes and clutch are matchy-match and pretty closely mimic the runway look, but silver and white make a great combo, especially on a blonde. We can't fault her for that. Hair and makeup look great. IN, bien sur.

[Photo Credit:]

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