Shirin Askari Fall 2010 Collection

Everyone's favorite Persian Princess from Season 6 showed her Fall '10 collection in Dallas last week.

Clothes first, opinions second:

First, a note to all PR alums: When you are staging your fashion show, try your best to make it look as impressive as possible. Shitty, rundown, poorly lit venues do not help you get the kind of press you're looking for. Kudos to Shirin, because this is an impressive set of pictures.

Second, another note to all PR alums: Sometimes the best thing you can do for your career, post-PR is to use that as a launching pad to get hired by an apparel manufacturer rather than attempt to sell a line on your own, which is dicey even in the best economies.

That later point is relevant here because that's what we think when we look at this collection. These are well-made, stylish, relatively simple and wearable clothes and that's the kind of shit apparel manufacturers eat up with a spoon. It's not "innovative," and frankly, it doesn't need to be. We look at these clothes and we think they'd sell, given the right push. She does like her drapey-foldy stuff, but thankfully, none of it looks overdone. She also has a tendency to go for the shiny fabrics, but at least she knows how to use them well and often pairs them with a matte to keep them from looking bridesmaid-y. And finally, while it's not true for every single look here, there are quite a few looks that will translate well when they're scaled up several sizes. In other words, she doesn't design solely for size 2s, which is, again, something that would appeal to a mass market manufacturer.

[Photos: Courtesy of Lynn Michelle]

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