PR: Jay

The Little Forgotten Designer.

The somewhat increasingly obvious editing made it clear Jay wasn't a contender this week simply because he was practically nonexistent as far as camera time went.

We did NOT have high hopes for this print. Hate that green.

Model: Brittany Oldehoff

Thankfully, it looked a lot different in use. We adored this look. In fact, it may be our favorite Jay look so far.

He used the print well, as a trim, as a lining, and to add some embellishment. Which was smart, because this is clearly not the kind of print you should, say, make an entire gown out of it. Could you imagine the epileptic seizures that would cause? Especially if she had to do red carpet with all those flashes going off? On second thought, that might be a brilliant marketing scheme for Jay. It's the fabric that causes paparazzi to fall to the floor twitching!

But we digress.

Okay, so looking closer, we can see that those shorts ain't fitted so hot, so there's that. But we still love this look. Look at the sleeves! How cool are they? And the cool collar!

And look at how well-fitted it is! And look how he piled on the design elements without looking like he overwhelmed the design (which may be his greatest strength in this competition).

In fact, this entire outfit was so well-designed that we suspect the only reason he didn't make it into the top three was the poor print design. Let that be a lesson to you Jay: stick with fashion design; skip textile design.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

[Photo/Video Credit: - Screencaps:]

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