PR: Auf-Wiedersehen!

We has a sad.

Miss Sophia may have barreled her way into the hearts of the public, but we knew going into it she'd never make it to the end. Not so much for lack of talent as he just wasn't the type of designer the judges on this show tend to exalt.

He's the inheritor of the mantle worn by say, Nolan Miller or Bob Mackie, a high-glitz, old school glamour aesthetic that can make for some beautiful dresses, but ultimately doesn't produce the kind of editorial, high-fashion looks these judges want to see.

A great challenge, no? The fact that the contestants designed their own prints gave the results a more personal feel, as if each outfit was the embodiment of its designers total aesthetic. Maybe that's putting too much importance on the prints but we don't think so because each final look really did sum up that designer pretty well.

Model: Kristina Sajko

And unfortunately, that's pretty true of Anthony's aesthetic.

We say "unfortunately," because, well... just look at it, kittens. As much as we adore Anthony, this is not a good dress.

The judges said exactly what we've said before: it's a basic cocktail dress with some decorations on it.

That's not the most creative look in the world, but the fact that he's sent it down the runway multiple times tells us he'd run out of creative steam a while ago.

And that shrug was a horrible idea. It was unflattering and made her shoulders look really wide.

And it was badly executed to boot.

If this sounds like we're 100% behind the cracktastic judging of last night, believe us kittens, we're not. There will be much discussion in the days to come. But even if we were kings of the world and would have had things shake out differently if it were up to us, we can't get all that upset about this particular auf'ing. It was bound to come sooner or later. We're just happy for him he got to stay in it this long and managed a high-profile win out of it.

There's always at least one cute, sassy gay that no one wants to see sent home every season. The fact that he's joining the ranks of Austin Scarlett, Nick Verreos, Kayne, and Chris March should provide some comfort to him. He's in really fabulous company. Seeya, Miss Sophia.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

Exit Video:

[Photo/Video Credit: - Screencaps:]

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