In or Out: Emilie de Ravin

"Moy Bye-Bye!"

Emilie de Ravin attends the premiere of "Remember Me" at the Paris Theatre in New York City in a Gianfranco Ferré dress and Burberry Prorsum sandals.

Gianfranco Ferré Spring 2010 Collection
Model:Constance Jablonski

We'll get to her clothes in a second, but first, a performance piece we like to call "Everything Claire Littleton ever said." Ready? Here we go:


"Whey's ChAHHlie?"

"Is moy bye-bye alright?!?"

"What's heppenin' with moy bye-bye!?!"

"Theyuh troying to tyke moy bye-bye!!!"

"ChAHHlie, I kent have you arAOWNd Airin."



Thank you. Thank you.

Do you know we honestly thought for a while there that there was no way she could be Australian because we were convinced it was the fakest-sounding Australian accent we ever heard? Then again (and no offense to the kangaroo ladies in our readership) we always thought a thick Australian accent sounded not so great coming out of a woman's mouth but knee-weakeningly hot coming out of a man's mouth. It's kind of like the upper-class English accent. Sounds devastatingly sexy on a woman and prissy and effete on a man.

We always thought it a little funny that Evangeline Lilly got all the press as the hot one on Lost. By our thinking Yunjin Kim and Emilie here are at least as hot as Evie. In fact, we always though Emilie was the prettiest girl on the show.

Jeez. Who knew we had so much to say about this girl?

And now, FASHION!

Hate the dress, to be honest. The bottom half looks diaper-y and we hate the color. It's so dingy, like the dress was made out the shroud of Turin or something, and it just washes her out. Plus, those shoes are just way too huge on such a tiny girl. She looks like she's bolted to the floor. A little color anywhere on this outfit would have gone a long way to helping it, along with a less angry looking shoe. She's pretty, but she's OUT.


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