Wrapping it up: Anthony, Ben & Maya

Like everyone else, we adore Miss Sophia. If it weren't for him, this season would collapse under the weight of nice, but bland personalities (+ one crazy paranoiac in Mila). But from a design perspective we have to say, his work is pretty uneven. After last week's well-deserved win...

Model: Kristina Sajko

...he's back in the land of crap.

Skirt's so plain it's nonexistent and the top is bulky and ill-fitting.

And while we normally would have slammed this for being pedestrian and uninspired...HELLO, PLUNGING NECKLINE ON A FIVE-YEAR-OLD! What a BOLD choice, Anthony! Mothers EVERYWHERE are DYING to show off their toddlers' decolletage!

Also, that trim around the waist was a cute idea, badly executed.

Cutenerd Ben also had a strong showing last week, and this week...

Model: Lorena Angjeli

He came roaring back with a totally weak effort.

Actually, that's not fair. This is quite nice, actually. Not exactly eye-catching enough for a design competition, but it's a well-executed, stylish, if understated, look.

Unfortunately, when it came to the kid's outfit, he was inspired by the same polygamy commune that Emilio was and essentially gave us late 19th Century undergarments for children.

If he'd made a stronger effort on the kid's outfit and succeeded in tying it to the mom's outfit, this could have scored well. As it is, it's mostly forgettable.

Quiet, intense, slightly scary Maya is the Girl of the Hour as everyone tries to figure out why the hell she's still on the show if she didn't show a collection at Bryant Park.

Model: Megan Davis

Our memory of these looks does not jibe with the actuality of them. We were quite surprised to load these pictures because in our minds, she did something stylish and quirky...

But in reality, she did something sloppy and unfinished. Look at the hem (or lack of one) there. Look at that collar. This top clearly should have been lined and it clearly should be a couple inches longer.

As for the pants, they're badly made yoga pants, and yoga pants have no place in a design competition.

Design-wise, she did better on the kid's outfit. It's cute and wearable and looks like real kids' clothes. Unfortunately, that jacket is just as badly executed as the grown-up version.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

[Photos/Videos: myLifetime.com - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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