T LOunge

Oh, kittens. We are SO going to need a drink to get through this one.

Ladurée Le Bar, Paris

First, we maintain that after the meth-fueled blogging we did this week, we deserve more than our share of drinks. Second, we really need to pile on the fabulosity to counteract the Lifetime-iness of tonight's episode, so Paris it is (once again). Meet us there after work, won't you?

You see, poodles, you're going to want to be drunk for this one...

Because they broke out the children on us. Drag queens, wrestlers, ice skaters or postal workers, anything but children, Project Runway! Someone called us misopedic in the comments section last week and we had to look it up to see whether or not we were insulted. Turns out? We weren't!

But to be clear: we don't hate children at all. Properly trained, they make perfectly acceptable servants.

"A tornado of toilet paper!" Kors is just phoning in his critiques now. They're like mad libs. "Your (article of clothing) looks like a (adjective) (color) (animal) in a (container)!"

[Photos: laduree.fr/myLifetime.com and video: myLifetime.com]

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