Halloween Idea

Okay. So we spend plenty of days during the year dressing up in things that other people would only wear on Halloween. To us it's perfectly normal and beautiful.

So what do we do to get creative on Halloween? We already dress like pin-ups on a normal Saturday night!

MAC cosmetics has an awesome idea! Let's take our love of mid-century and do it a little different.


The MAC artists have created a very cool video with Halloween makeup ideas. I love this one based on the pop art of Roy Lichtenstein. Time for school boys and girls!

For those of you who took Art History 101, this is just a refresher course. And for those of you who are not yet familiar with his work, I can guarantee you have seen his style copied. Which is ironic because that is exactly what he did, but as a social criticism. We're all just putting a new spin on something we've seen somewhere else and making it our own self-expressionist version.

Mr. Lichtenstein started creating his signature style of pop art in the early 60s. It is based on the look of commercial printing. There is a an obvious dot pattern on printing from the time period. He used this as his critique on commercialism that was booming at the time, much like Warhol used soup cans and Monroe.

And we come back around to MAC using it as a way to promote and sell products. Did I just hear the sound of Lichtenstein rolling over in his grave? ;)

On to the fun part!