John Smedley, Celebrating 225 Years of Sartorial Innovation

A simple glance at the website, with its color and fitting selectors, will attest to the fact John Smedley stands for innovation, change, progressiveness—and much more!

Not only has John Smedley withstood the test of time—enduring battles, wars, and world wars, recessions, depressions, and the Great Depression—but the company has also managed to keep abreast of the latest technologies and manufacturing know-how for 225 years!

As a matter of fact, John Smedley was born out of technical advance and invention. It was in 1771 that a man by the name of Sir Richard Arkwright built the world’s first water-powered mill that spun cotton.

In 1784, Peter Nightingale and John Smedley embraced the technology and founded a mill by the brook at Lea Bridge in Lea Mills, Derbyshire. They produced muslin and spinning cotton, first, soon progressing to knitting and hosiery.

In 1818, John Smedley’s son, als named John, took over the enterprise at the mere age of 24. Like father, like son—John modernized and expanded the company. By 1893, the mill was turning out more versatile garments like underwear and knitted outerwear.

It was not long before John Smedley was producing swimwear, nightwear, and a line of signature sweaters.

Currently, John Smedley is sold in over 35 countries, having won the hearts of celebrities like Tom Cruise, Sean Connery, and Harvey Keitel.

Now, John Smedely invites you to participate in the 225th anniversary celebration by sending in your Smedley story.

You will receive a 10% discount on your next purchase in return and, if your story is published, you will enter a drawing for a prize of online vouchers worth £225!

Photo top right Lea Mills, 1784, Copyright John Smedley.
Photo middle left John Smedley, 1825, Copyright
John Smedley.
Photo bottom right warehouse, 1927, Copyright
John Smedley.
Slideshow Copyright
John Smedley.