Cold Shoulder...

He has nothing against or for that matter, he has no allegiance to He just thinks is a better website. Sorry, your just the ugly daughter.

Anyway, here is one of the worst interviews He has ever seen.

"Can you switch shoulders? Are there any advantages to this kind of style?"

Umm are you dumb? No really, are you dumb? You got to be kidding He right now. In case you don't know Kelly Cutrone, is a big wig in the fashion industry. She runs her own PR company and what not, yea great for her. Hey Kelly, you work in fashion shouldn't you be a little more prepared then this? You sound like it's your first day on the job. You have a smoking hot chick in front of the camera and you get diarrhea of the mouth. Might be time for He to step up behind the camera for some on the street interviews. What do you think?
