Putting aside the lights and glitter, Michael was a man of many dreams—some that were realized and others that never became a reality. The point, however, is not whether his dreams came true or not but rather that he dared to dream them.
Michael cherished one dream that never came true. He dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, so much that he had already set the process in motion, entreating Christian Audigier, the renowned fashion designer from Avignon, France, to assist in the launch.
So, what would his line have looked like? Would it have drawn inspiration from the little "dancing machine" sliding across the stage in polyester suits with striped bellbottom pants, floral shirts with wide butterfly collars, fringed vests, and platform shoes?
Would it have incorporated a sleeker pop-punk Michael that "thrilled" us in bowties and tuxedo jackets? Or the young man who rolled up the sleeves of a red leather bomber, sporting aviator glasses and a single white rhinestone studded glove? How about black penny loafers with white socks and high water peg pants?
Would Michael have glanced back to his more fetishized, futuristic look of the 90’s', "screaming" in military jackets with sequins and imperial coats with tassels, all strapped in leather with buckles and adorned with kneepads and a gold lame crotch thong?
Well, we will never know if kids around the world would have been wearing fedoras, armbands, and surgical masks. We do not even know if we would have had the finances to afford them. But we do know that Michael left us something that we all can afford: the courage to dream.
Dreaming is the one thing we can all do and—better yet—within the realm of dreams, there is no race, no color, no gender, nor creed. There is no time, no trends to follow. It’s in our dreams that we are all equal and we are all great. It is a place where we can all be in charge and create the future.
Michael may have taught us never to say “goodbye,” but he also taught: never stop dreaming!