In 1922, Ukraine was absorbed by the USSR, becoming a republic of the Soviet Union for nearly 70 years. But as the national anthem states, Ukraine's glory has not perished, nor her freedom. In 1991, Ukraine gained her independence.
Despite a long recession that ensued, Ukraine has bounced back to life, providing a springboard for new fashion, emerging designers, and innovative menswear brands like Falling Empire.
Although Falling Empire is the artistic creation of designer Tatyana Andreychenko, the label is the brainchild of Ruslan Minzhinsky, general producer of Music Motors in Kiev.
Ruslan had always nurtured a preference for the styles of the Soviet era, but in a renewed vane of USSR-glamour, which is so often depicted in the video clips produced by his studio.
Two years ago, Ruslan got an idea—Falling Empire—not an old rehash of Brezhnev’s wardrobe but rather a revitalized version of the era’s spirit to be presented in a collection of authentic designs.
Tatyana, who for years had designed the artists’ costumes for the video clips at Music Motors, breathed life into the vision.
Free from the boring rules, authoritative views, and worldly conventionalities of the Soviet regime, Falling Empire has converted what was common to all into a mark of excellence, worthy of the contemporary man’s wardrobe.
Have a look for yourself and see that Ukraine's Falling Empire is all but fallen! I love the kiss marks on the models!
Photo top center by AnnihilatorMell, Public Domain at Wikipedia.
Slide show 2009 a/w collection Copryright Falling Empire.
Slide show 2009 a/w collection Copryright Falling Empire.