Pascal Gautrand & "Who Is On Next"

Tomorrow is the big day for the 7 finalists of "Who Is On Next," the young designer competition organized by Alta Roma in collaboration with Uomo Vogue, which will be unveiled for the first time at Pitti Uomo in Florence, Italy.

One of the 7 finalists is Pascal Gautrand, born 1974 in France, who initiated his fashion education at Esaat in Roubaix, going on to study at the Institut Français de la Mode in Paris.

Pascal began his fashion career through freelance, designing a T-shirt collection for the Belgian label Own and producing costumes for the play writer Veronique Caye. So just how did he wind up in Rome?

The French Academy in Rome awarded to Pascal a scholarship, which entails a one-year residency at the historic Villa Medici. Starting in October 2008, Pascal went down in history as the first fashion design resident at the Villa.

Pascal's research in Rome centers on the mass production of unique pieces, which he bases on the heritage of made-to-measure garments in Italy and Europe.

At the competition "Who Is On Next," Pascal will present a collection of shirts entitled Made in Roma, which he developed in collaboration with Roman shirt maker Roberto Marino.

I had the privilege to sneak in a exclusive last-minute interview with Pascal, who was gracious enough to answer my questions:

Can you tell me a little about where you are from and how that has influenced your career?
I was born in a very small city in the south of France, named Mazamet; this is near Toulouse. In the 60's, long before I was born, it was a major center for the textile industry, specialised in wool. This is a detail, but I think this was decisive for me to choose fashion. Being born in this city, I am very much interested in the production of fashion, and not only in the aesthetic of it.

Do you have a certain philosophy behind your designs?
Just designing a new garment is not my point, I believe designing fashion is not only designing clothes but also designing the fashion system.

Tell me more about the Made in Roma collection...
The MADE IN ROME collection is about how, where and who produces the shirts, not only about what they look like; this is why I chose to work with a made-to-measure shirt maker. Roberto Marino only sells shirts to Roman customers who want classic shirts. With this line, we can touch a more global target who are not lucky enough to live in Rome and have a contemporary vision of bespoke garment...

What drew you to fashion design and, in particular, to menswear?
Menswear is more about the same small wardrobe and how smart you are to be able to play with it. Menswear has more constraints than women's wear and this is what I like about it. Creation springs from constraints!!!

Best of luck to you, Pascal!

Photo top center Copyright Pascal Gautrand.
Slideshow 2010 s/s collection "Made in Roma" Copyright Pascal Gautrand.