Odeur "Surfaces" with a New Scent

Fashion labels have typically branded their image through some sort of visualization techniques; hence the emphasis on visual merchandising. Moreover, many brands accompany their presentation with audible effects, such as with music or just a jingle. After all, the goal of every marketing campaign is to be seen and heard!

But the Swedish label Odeur is taking the practices to another dimension, spawning new concepts like multi-sensory brands, poly-sensory merchandising, and total brand experience. Loyal to the meaning of its name, Odeur not only wants to be seen and heard but also smelled!

Sure, we have all scratched and sniffed perfume ads in our favorite magazines, and most of us have shopped in stores that pump aromas into the air, particularly during the holiday season. But Odeur's concept is different.

A clean, androgynous, citrus-like fragrance has been lightly infused into the fabric of every garment, lasting up to a dozen washes! Some postulate that a memory-enhancing fragrance can create an emotional experience, which may better facilitate customer loyalty.

Odeur was founded in 2006 by Petter Hollström, who designs the collection along with Anna Lidström and Gorjan Lauseger. Based in Copenhagen, the team has labelled the 2009 a/w collection "Surfaces."

So, click on the slideshow below and get a scent of Odeur's new collection!

Photo top center 2009 s/s collection Copyright Odeur.
Slideshow 2009 a/w collection "Surfaces"Copyright