Jan iú Més Prepares Us for Cold Times Ahead

Imagine walking through a city of 5 million inhabitants that are bustling about modernist architecture, located on the Mediterranean coast and between two rivers—all graced with 68 parks and 7 beaches. Welcome to Barcelona, Spain!

Now, turn your attention to a hostile terrain, high up in the desolate mountains of the freezing-cold arctic where you are lost at night and your survival depends on the warmth of thick woolly fabrics that envelop you. Welcome to the 2009 a/w collection of Jan Més in Barcelona!

Designers Joan Zamora Royo and Alfonso Peña Carreras embraced a dark color palette for this fall and winter in preparation for the tough times ahead.

Photo 2009 a/w collection Copyright by Jan Més.
Slide show 2009 a/w collection Copyright by
Jan Més.