Now, men, you can surf for the latest fashions by designer, article (i.e., shoes, clothing, accessories, and bags), or newest item. Your shopping cart will conveniently list your choices in three currencies, from which you may choose: pound, euro, or dollar.
For the fashion challenged, simply click on Style Feed for a blog-formatted briefing on everything you need to know about what to wear for the current season. You may even post comments and/or questions!
For ongoing advice, sign up for a weekly e-newsletter, in which menswear buyer, Lee Douros, will give you fashion tips and insider knowledge on how to dress stylishly throughout the season.
Trouble finding a gift for that special guy? Simply click on Gift Ideas and shop by product, price, or recipient, such as City Boy, Classic Gent, Family Man, or Likely Lad.
Happy shopping!
Photo Lee Douros Copyright My-Wardrobe.com.