Justin Smith Esquire has a Brand New Easter Hat for You!


Main Entry: mil·li·ner
Pronunciation: \ˈmi-lə-nər\
Function: noun
Etymology: irregular from Milan, Italy; from the importation of women's finery from Italy in the 16th century
Date: 1530
: a person who designs, makes, trims, or sells women's hats
Merriam-Webster Online)

The term milliner dates back to 16th-century Italy and referred to a supplier of fine luxury goods, such as hats, gloves, and other accessories for which Milan was renowned. Eventually milliners began producing or importing hats alone.

Thus, the word entered the English language from the Middle English word Milener—an inhabitant of Milan or someone who dealt with items from the city. Obviously hats date back thousands of years; however, in modern times they merely gained popularity in the 1500’s.

Justin Smith Esquire is a contemporary milliner, not only for women but also for men. In addition to millinery, Justin runs a highly successful, exclusive hairdressing salon in central London called “And People Like Us.”

Justin began designing and making hats by hand in 2000 while undertaking part-time millinery training. Since that time, Justin has obtained a MA in Millinery at the Royal College of Art, accumulating numerous awards for his millinery skills, including “Hat Designer of the Year”: first prize in 2006 and second prize in 2007.

Clearly from the photo top right, Justin draws his inspiration from the good ole' dandies from the first half of 20th-century England.

Whatever hat you sport today, I wish you a happy and healthy holiday!

Photo by Guto, Copyright J Smith Esq.