Complex Geometries Simplifies Morality

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Many people determine moral issues in life according to absolutes, defining them as black or white, right or wrong, heads or tails, and evil vs. good! There is nothing in between—no grey areas, no maybes, no fuzzy lines! Some even attribute rewards for choosing the one and punishment for the other.

In his 2009 a/w collection entitled “Between Good and Evil,” Canadian designer Clayton Evans challenges us to reexamine the conflict of moral ideals and their possible co-existence, as he leaps outside the box of moral absolutism to explore the world between the two!

Using vigilantes, religious icons, and ghostly apparitions as his points of reference, Clayton contrasts durable and fragile fabrics in bold black and white against garments of grey with hazy hues of pink and purple. With no clear front or back, the pieces feature large collars and capes, which can either portray modesty or conceal shame—you be the judge!

Originally from Alberta, Clayton Evans graduated from the Alberta College of Design and founded Complex Geometries in the fall of 2005. He is now located in Montreal.

So, I ask myself, how do I define reality: Is it all just black and white?

COMPLEX GEOMETRIES aw09 TRAILER Various Artists from JASON LAST on Vimeo.

Video artists: Stacy Lundeen, Tracy Maurice, Arianna, Jason Last & Renata Morales.
Slide Show 2009 a/w collection Copyright by Complex Geometries.