Life as a Male Model

The fashion and apparel industry abounds with individuals who share different roles—some more visible than others. Designers, manufacturers, fashion reps, retailers, PR agencies—all play their specific part. Strangely, there is one actor that we may even see daily on billboards, TV commercials, and assorted magazine ads, but in reality we know very little about: the male model.

So, today, I would like to introduce you to menswear model, Florian Pessenteiner.

Nice to meet you, Florian. Tell us, where are you from?
I was born in Austria (Salzburg) and grew up with my parents in a quite small village. I think there are still like only 300 people living there, and it's 15 minutes away from the next "bigger" city. Everything there is really beautiful, but on the other hand it can be kind of boring.

Tell me more about your life there…
I went to a language school and graduated after 8 years. After that, I decided to do a social year and worked with homeless people and drug addicts. I’m really interested in social work and loved to put all my power into my job.

Where do you live now?
At the moment I live in London, which I call my home! I moved here one year ago and I couldn’t imagine living somewhere else at the moment. I came here the first time when I started to do modeling, and I literally fell in love with the city. I don’t know how long I’ll be here, but I am just about to move into a new flat, which I think will be my home for a longer time.

How and when did you start modeling?
I started with modeling 1 ½ years ago on a trip to Switzerland with my mum. A booker of one of my agencies saw me there at a bus stop waiting for the bus and asked me if I was interested into modeling. Honestly, I would have never thought about doing it, but that’s how everything started.

What were the first jobs like?
In the beginning I travelled around, seeing some agencies in all loads of different cities and had test shoots to build up my book. Then in the course of time, I started to do editorials (especially when I moved to London). The first big jobs were for Dazed and Confused and Showstudio.

And now?
At the moment there are loads of different things coming up.... Apart from shoots, we are planning to go to Italy, France, and America in the next 4 months; so that will be exciting.

Many people think the life of a model is glamorous. How is it in reality for you?
Yes, people always think models live a proper life, with loads of money, parties, and glamour. But reality is a little bit different. The hard thing is that you never know how much money you will earn for the next months. Sometimes you have jobs and money that you literally loose all control over. Sometimes you have literally nothing for some weeks.

So what motivates you to persevere?
I like the fact that I get to know loads of different people and I can travel to loads of different cities and places. It’s always exciting travelling somewhere because you never know what to expect.

Do you see modeling as your entire future?
I will do modeling as long as I can do it, and as long people will book me (chuckle), but I am really interested in doing films. So I will see what the trip to the States will bring. I just enjoy standing in front of a camera.

Do you have any words for young men who may be contemplating becoming a male model?
The only thing I can say for young men who want to become a male model is that they should try always to stay who they are.

Why do you say that?
The industry sometimes tries to change the guys—and especially guys who just started. Don’t let yourself be treated like a doll, because you’re still a person with your own personality (smile).

Good advice! Is there any way a young man can prepare himself for this career?
I think it’s really hard to say if there is anything that helps guys to prepare for this career. If people get along with the fashion industry then they will have a good time. For people who don’t work in the industry, some bits and pieces are obviously hard to understand. But you just grow a lot and you grow with it. It’s an amazing industry that offers you a lot of opportunities that I personally would never want to miss in my entire life.

Thank you, Florian, for sharing your experiences with us and good luck to you!